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Version: 1.11.x



The Lockheed Martin Open Source Community adheres to the following principles:

  • Open: Lockheed Martin Open Source Projects are intended for public use and are considered a public good
  • Welcoming and respectful: See Code of Conduct
  • Patience: Expect to move slower together than fast alone
  • Transparent and accessible: Work and collaboration should be done in public. Please create issues and use community channels to discuss contributions before implementation
  • Merit: Ideas and contributions are accepted according to their technical merit and alignment with project objectives, scope, design principles, and most importantly stability for existing users

Code of Conduct​

The Lockheed Martin Open Source Community abides by this project's Code of Conduct.

As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.

As a member of this project, you represent the project and your fellow contributors. We value our community tremendously and we'd like to keep cultivating a friendly and collaborative environment for our contributors and users. We want everyone in the community to have positive experiences.

Governance Model​

Hoppr uses a hierarchical decision-making process.

Contributor Tier​

This project's contribuors, who are made of the greater open source community, are expected to actively engage with the project's maintainers before starting implementation. They are expected to think about how changes will affect stability and ensure no Business Area or program would be excluded from the contributed change.

Contributors are expected to meet the quality, testing, and documentation standards of this project. If a contributor changes break functionality for other users, the contributor is responsible for implementing a fix or "rolling back" the change. Failure to do so may be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct. Contributors should be aware of the risk associated with contributing changes and of the potential additional charging to address breaking functionality.


  • Communicating desired changes and building consensus with the maintainers before starting work
  • Contributing changes associated with features or fixes that are discussed with project maintainers
  • Resolving any functionality breakages introduced by their changes
  • Respecting the implementation decisions of the maintainers
  • Being patient with other contributors, maintainers, and Architects who have multiple roles and responsibilities

Maintainers Tier​

This project's maintainers, who are made of Lockheed Martin employees, are expected to triage issues and feature requests. There is no expectation that maintainers are required to implement fixes or features, but should provide feedback and technical assessment. It is important for the community to actively contribute their desires or report issues without the expectation of others to implement on their behalf.

Maintainers have autonomy to decide bug fixes and feature implementation, but are expected to prioritize product stability over feature changes that would break functionality for existing users. When disputes or deviance arise in vision, community, and technical implementation, the maintainers are expected to engage with the Architects to resolve.

Selection Of New Maintainers​

New maintainers are selected by the Architects. Existing project maintainers are welcome to suggest new maintainers but should not grant permissions without agreement from the Architects.

The Architects will select new maintainers based on the following criteria.

  • Lockheed Martin employment
  • Based on need to have multiple Business Areas involved
  • Proven record of stable contributions and involvement in this project
  • Following this project's Code of Conduct

Retiring Maintainers​

If a maintainer in not consistently meeting this criteria or deemed inactive, the Architects may replace or retire a maintainer. If a replacement is needed to ensure multiple Business Areas are involved, the Architects will follow the Selection Of New Maintainers criteria.


  • Establishing a welcoming and transparent community
  • Triaging issues and feature requests
  • Communicating concerns in vision, community, and technical implementation to the Architects

Architects Tier​

This project's architects, who are made of the Lockheed Martin Software Factory, are the final arbitrators for vision, community, and technical decisions. They are also expected to select at least 3 maintainers.


  • Arbitrator for vision, community, and technical decisions when requested by the community
  • Selection of at least 3 maintainers

Open Source Program Office (OSPO) Tier​

The Lookheed Martin Open Source Program Office, are the final arbitrators for project ownership, governance, and compliance.


  • Arbitrator for for project ownership, governance, and compliance when requested by the community
  • Monitor project for compliance to Lockeed Martin standards