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Version: 1.12.x

Writing Integration Tests


  1. Begin with a Hoppr Tar Bundle. This is typically a bundle.tar.gz file. Be sure to document in the "git commit" where you got the file. A good place to find files is in hoppr/test/integration.
    • For APT, the file was obtained from hoppr/test/integration/IntTest_14
    • One exception to this is Npm, which had to clone hoppr/test/integration/IntTest_12.
  2. Create the directory structure under droppr/test/MODULE, with subdirectories filesys, local_install, and nexus (as appropriate). The subdirectories have the files .droppr.yml and expected-result-summary* files.
    • The .droppr.yml file can be derived from other files in droppr/test
    • The expected-result-summary file takes some trial-and-error. One idea is to create a dummy file, commit to the branch, and the pipeline will show the expected vs. actual. Then carefully import the actual into the expected-result-summary file
  3. Use MR "APT distributor code and integration test files" as an example.