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Version: 1.8.x

Contribution Guide


Read the 3 contribution guide sections - Etiquette, Viability, and Process - before creating an issue or merge request.

1. Etiquette​

  • Please read and follow the Code of Conduct
  • Please be considerate towards the developers and other users when raising issues or presenting merge requests
  • Respect our decision(s), and do not be upset or abusive if your submission is not used
  • Most of all, have fun!

2. Viability​

When requesting or submitting new features, first consider whether it might be useful to others. Open source projects are used by many people, who may have entirely different needs than your own. Think about whether or not your feature is likely to be used by other users of the project. The project maintainer may close an issue or merge request if it does not align with the project vision.

3. Process​

Submitting an issue​

When contributing to Hoppr, please first discuss the change you wish to make via a GitLab issue:

Before submitting a merge request​

  1. Wait until a maintainer agrees to a MR, which is indicated with a Contrib::Accepting MRs label
  2. Read and understand the DCO guidelines for the project
  3. Create a fork of Hoppr
  4. Follow the development documentation to make changes in your fork

Technical Requirements​


Conventional Commits​

Please use conventional commits to indicate what has changed in merge requests.


  • fix(docs): Corrected package urls supported
  • feat(plugin): Implemented new required argument to plugin interfaces

GPG Commit Signing​

The GitLab documentation has an excellent walk through of signing commits. While you can sign individual commits, you might consider setting the global config to sign commits automatically:

  • git config --global commit.gpgsign true