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Version: 1.13.x

SBOM Signing

Hoppr leverages cryptography to provide SBOM signing capabilities.

Only RSA, Ed25519, and EllipticCurve private key types are currently supported. This follows the same process required by the attestation generation tooling.


Signing a bundle

Run the hopctl bundle subcommand as usual, additionally specifying the --sign, --functionary-key, and --functionary-key-password (if the private key is secured with a passphrase) options.

hopctl bundle --transfer transfer.yml --log hoppr_log.txt --verbose --sign --functionary-key functionary_key --functionary-key-password functionary-key-password manifest.yml

This will create the expected bundle that also includes the signature file <bundle_name>.sig.


# Perform a bundle with a generated RSA private key
in-toto-keygen functionary_key
hopctl bundle --transfer transfer.yml --log hoppr_log.txt --verbose --sign --attest --functionary-key mykey.pem manifest.yml